In November, the average interest rate on bank deposits in the national currency decreased to 19.4%, according to the Central Bank.

The yield on deposits with terms up to one year dropped by one percentage point, reaching a minimum of 16.9% since August 2023. Meanwhile, the rate for long-term accounts remained unchanged at 20.6%.

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Interest rates on deposits for individuals remained stable compared to October at 22.1%. The figures stayed the same for both short-term (20.9%) and long-term segments (22.4%).

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At the same time, the yield on corporate accounts declined again, totaling 16.3%. Rates for accounts with terms up to one year plummeted to 14.9%, while deposits exceeding this term remained at 17.6%.

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For deposits in foreign currency, the yield reached 5.2% — the highest since July. This increase was due to a rise in rates for accounts with terms from one year to 5.6% (+0.4%), while rates for deposits up to this term remained unchanged.

The average interest rate on foreign currency accounts for individuals reached 5% (+0.2%) for the first time since August. The yield on long-term deposits increased to 5.5% (+0.4%), however, for short-term deposits, it fell to 3.1% (-0.5%).

Corporate deposits in foreign currency achieved a record yield of 6.3% (+1.5%), the highest since at least 2019. Rates for accounts with terms up to one year more than doubled to 5.8%. On the other hand, in the long-term segment, they decreased to 6.4% (-0.2%).

Previously, Spot reported that in November, Uzbekistan's international reserves decreased for the first time since March.