The cost of living in Uzbekistan for expats is more expensive than in New York, yet cheaper than in several other cities. This information is reported by, based in the USA.
As of January 2023, the overall Cost of Living Index (COLI) in Tashkent for all 13 basket groups is 48.01 (New York = 100). The calculation was made by gathering prices for identical goods worldwide, based on spending norms in the region or nearby, and converting them into US dollars to compare the cost of 13 different baskets across 780 locations globally.
Our editorial team has gathered the most relevant information for you:
The cost of everyday clothing is relatively high. A basket priced at $960 in New York costs $1000 in Uzbekistan. However, education expenses are low. Tuition in New York averages around $30,000 compared to $16,500 in Uzbekistan. The cost of food is relatively low as well. A consumer basket costing $1000 in New York is valued at $400 in Tashkent. Healthcare expenses are also low, with approximate costs in New York at $1000 and in Uzbekistan at $300. The average cost for a visit to a private clinic is $24 in Uzbekistan. A day's stay, including nursing care, medications, diagnostic tests, meals, and associated expenses, totals $738.
The cost of dining out and restaurants remains low. A basket priced at $1000 in New York is valued at $370 in Uzbekistan. Food in Tashkent is 39.2% cheaper than in Houston, Texas; household expenses are 3% cheaper than in Kuala Lumpur; and transportation costs are 12.3% cheaper than in Dubai.
Overall, across Uzbekistan, food is 48.1% cheaper than in the USA; household expenses are 53.2% cheaper than in the UK; and transportation costs are 7.7% higher than in India.